
CETPartnership Joint Call 2024

12 September 2024
CETPartnership Joint Call 2024

The CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 is the co-funded call under the CETPartnership. To cover different topics and RDI types, the Call is structured into Call Modules, aimed at different energy technologies and/or systems as well as both research and innovation oriented approaches on different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), complementing and completing each other.

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  1. Hybex webinar

Location: Online

Date: 19th of June 2024, 14h to 15h CET.

We would like to cordially invite you for our second HyBex webinar on the 19th of June 2024, 14h to 15h CET.

 HyBex is a project supported by the Belgian Federal Government and partners Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Fluxys & Hinicio with the aim to enable a future hydrogen & derivative, commodity & certificate exchange in Belgium, supporting liquid markets for molecules and certificates in a balanced network.

 This second webinar will guide you through the concept of balancing within a hydrogen network, the potential imbalance events that can occur and the solutions explored to ensure the network remains in balance. HyBex has done thorough analysis on this balancing framework through complex modelling and simulation software.

 Join us at our webinar by registering through the link below:

HyBex Webinar Registration