Webinar Experiences and perspectives for garbage trucks on hydrogen (Life 'N Grab Hy!): Presentations available!
There is an increasing need for zero emission refuse trucks to comply with upcoming access restrictions imposed by cities as part of air pollution reduction strategies. Garbage trucks on hydrogen are a promising solution to meet these challenge.
This webinar gave an insight on the experiences and results of the two hydrogen trucks demonstrated within the Life'N Grab Hy! project.
The advantages, challenges and perspectives for hydrogen trucks in the near future were discussed.
You can download the presentations of WaterstofNet, E-trucks Europe, Baetsen, Cure, Hector, Revive by clicking on th title of the presentations.
13.30 pm |
Opening presentation by EASME – LIFE programme |
Mario Lionetti, Easme |
13.45 pm |
The LIFE ’N Grab HY! project and a wider perspective on heavy duty transport on hydrogen |
Stefan Neis, WaterstofNet |
14.00 pm |
Ben Cornelis, E-Trucks Europe |
14.30 pm |
Experiences and results LIFE demonstration @Baetsen in Veldhoven |
Walter Batenburg, Baetsen |
14.40 pm |
Experiences and results LIFE demonstration @Cure in Eindhoven |
Frans van Strijp, Cure |
14.50 pm |
Experiences and results LIFE demonstration @Hürth near Cologne |
Stefan Neis, WaterstofNet |
15.00 pm |
Short break with film about the LIFE ‘N Grab HY!- project |
15.10 pm |
Amy Perry, Aberdeen City Council |
15.25 pm |
Dimitri van den Borre, Tractebel |
15.40 pm |
Adwin Martens, WaterstofNet |
15.55 pm |
Stefan Neis, WaterstofNet |