HyTrucks consortium aims to have 300 hydrogen-powered trucks on the road in Belgium by 2025
Air Liquide, DATS 24 and Port of Antwerp join forces in the HyTrucks consortium to deploy 300 hydrogen-powered trucks and the related renewable hydrogen production infrastructure and supply chain assets in Belgium as part of the HyTrucks initiative. This project aims at enabling in total 1,000 hydrogen-powered zero-emission trucks on the roads and building the adequate infrastructure connecting Belgium, the Netherlands and western Germany by 2025.
WaterstofNet takes care of the project management of HyTrucks at both the European and Belgian level, specifically the development of the European feasibility study involving all the partners representing the whole value chain – a.o. leading hydrogen suppliers, hydrogen retailers, hydrogen truck manufacturers and transport companies and shippers.
Nomination Sustainability Award
Vote here on HyTrucks for the Port of Antwerp Sustainability Award 2021: https://www.portofantwerp.com/nl/sustainability-award
Read the full press release about HyTrucks in Belgium: in English, Dutch or French.
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