Strong industrial ambitions and unique debates at WaterstofNet’s yearly conference
Companies and research centers presented great hydrogen ambitions for our region and abroad: storing hydrogen in ice, pathways for pyrolysis of methane, miniaturization of electrolysers,…. Strong messages from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, Hydrogen Europe and the Hydrogen Council were setting the scene for the debates.
A first unique debate between the ports of Antwerp-Bruges, Northsea, Rotterdam en Amsterdam, showed the willingness to cooperate. Followed by an interesting debate on heavy duty applications with actors from the complete value chain. Additional explanations of Fluxys and Gasunie on the recent announced cooperation on crossborder cooperation between Flanders and The Netherlands.
Finally the visions of the Dutch, Belgian and Flemish governments stressed the title of this conference: ‘We need to join forces to make the step from plans to realisations’.
Over 350 persons (in person and online) attended the conference.
The Waterstof Industry Cluster has built a strong ecosystem of more than 120 members over the years and is still growing fast. In the coming years the WIC will stay the ideal platform to facilitate and support these ambitions and to bring the right partners together. Also to make the link to the authorities and to strive for appropriate and simple regulations. A point of attention, which was referred to several times in the presentations .
Animation WIC-City!
Watch here our inspiring animation that we created for the 5th anniversary of the WIC! A shining example of what we can achieve, when all our members contribute to their own specific capabilities! Ready for a hop on hop off tour in WIC-City?
VOTE for solhyd! European Inventor Award
We also got a scoop from one of the speakers. Johan Martens from the KULeuven and his SolHyd team have been nominated for the European Inventor Award, for their hydrogen panels that convert solar energy directly to hydrogen.
You can support them by voting! The team would appreciate your support!
Voting is possible 1x per day, every day, until 21 June.
More information can be found on their website.
Photo album Conference