Transport industry experts gathered in Brussels to commit to hydrogen mobility (Sept 22 th)
25 september 2017

Transport industry experts gathered in Brussels to commit to hydrogen mobility (Sept 22 th)

September 22th, leaders of the industry confirmed their commitment to expanding the deployment of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure across Europe. Global vehicle manufacturers – including Audi, BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai, Symbio and Toyota – as well as leading hydrogen refuelling infrastructure providers, gathered at the Hydrogen for Clean Transport conference to discuss and debate hydrogen-based solutions towards a zero emission transport sector in Europe by 2040. The event aimed to raise awareness among policy makers and other stakeholders of the role to be played by hydrogen mobility alongside full battery electric vehicles in achieving our zero emission future.

The event was organized within the framework of the H2ME project.

Download here the press release.
WaterstofNet is partner in the project to provide the link with the Benelux.