20 april 2023
APK Group
APK Group, with its vast experience in the energy sector, focuses on Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Hydrogen / CCSU infrastructures, including green Hydrogen production, transportation, storage, Power-to-X products, gas mixing & blending, decarbonization of processes, renewable gases and e-fuel production plants, Hydrogen and CO2 pipelines.
24 apr.
Waterstof in reinigingsvoertuigen - event Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, Waterstof Utrecht en WaterstofNet
Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, WaterstofNet en Waterstof Utrecht organiseren een bijeenkomst over reinigingsvoertuigen op wat...
8 sep.
Join the Hydrogen Academy Brussels - Fall 2025 Edition!
This edition we extend an extra special invitation to Flemish, Federal, European, and all Brussels-based officials.