Imec is a world-leading research & innovation center in nanotechnology. Imec leverages its state-of-the-artR&D infrastructure and its team of more than 5,500 employees and top researchers for R&D in electronics,health, energy and many other applications. Our energy research comprises photovoltaics, batteries andpower to molecules. We deploy our nanotechnology toolbox to design from the basic principles highlyefficient, high throughput electrochemical cells and subcomponents (electrodes, membranes). Weinvestigate novel material concepts to tune the electrochemical processes. A the same time, we keep an eyeon the manufacturability and scalability, with the aim of providing disruptive innovation to lower the cost ofHydrogen.We have various business models to create maximal impact with our technology. Those range from sharedresearch open innovation, over bilateral R&D projects, as well as creating spin-offs.