28 maart 2023
Parker Hannifin
Parker Hannifin is an industrial company active in many markets since the start in 1917. Parker has 9 core technologies: hydraulics, pneumatics, electromechanical, fluid&gas handling, filtration, sealing&shielding, instrumentation, climate control and aerospace. Parker was already active in the hydrogen market during the landing of the Apollo 11 on the moon. Nowadays we are mainly active in supplying parts to producers of electrolyzers, fuel cells, refuelling stations and many more applications.
24 apr.
Waterstof in reinigingsvoertuigen - event Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, Waterstof Utrecht en WaterstofNet
Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, WaterstofNet en Waterstof Utrecht organiseren een bijeenkomst over reinigingsvoertuigen op wat...
8 sep.
Join the Hydrogen Academy Brussels - Fall 2025 Edition!
This edition we extend an extra special invitation to Flemish, Federal, European, and all Brussels-based officials.