5 juli 2024
Walter Tosto
Fully acknowledged and supporting the concept of transition towards Green Technologies in response to existing environmental concerns, Walter Tosto aims to revolutionize the H2 long term storage market with SPHERO. This innovative spherical tank for high-pressure hydrogen gas storage is the Gold winner of Safety and Technology Tank Storage Award, 2024. SPHERO is the perfect approach for higher performance, more resistance, enhaced safety and lifetime extension shaping the future of H2 production, storage and transportation sector. SPHERO can be manufactured in different sizes and customized upon needs.
24 apr.
Waterstof in reinigingsvoertuigen - event Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, Waterstof Utrecht en WaterstofNet
Rijkswaterstaat, de NVRD, WaterstofNet en Waterstof Utrecht organiseren een bijeenkomst over reinigingsvoertuigen op wat...
8 sep.
Join the Hydrogen Academy Brussels - Fall 2025 Edition!
This edition we extend an extra special invitation to Flemish, Federal, European, and all Brussels-based officials.