8 hydrogen refuelling stations in the Benelux
Within the H2Benelux project, the authorities of the Benelux are working together with a number of partners (companies) to start the development of hydrogen filling stations for passenger cars. This way, the Benelux can keep up with the developments in Germany and France.
In concrete terms, 8 hydrogen refuelling stations are being built within the "H2BeNeLux" project: 4 in the Netherlands (Region Amsterdam (2), Utrecht, Rotterdam), 3 in Belgium (Region Leuven, Liège, Ghent) and 1 in Luxembourg.
10 hydrogen cars will be used at each hydrogen filling station.
The results of the data will be translated into a roadmap for the
development of hydrogen infrastructure in the Benelux for 2020 - 2025 - 2030.
The role of WaterstofNet
WaterstofNet developed the H2Benelux project idea and submitted it to Europe.
During the implementation of H2Benelux, WaterstofNet is coordinator of the project, and WaterstofNet organizes the substantive and financial reporting and communication of the project.
H2BeNelux is approved within the European program "Connecting
Europe Facility (CEF) - Transport Sector ".
With co-financing from:
The Dutch government (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment)
The Flemish government
The Walloon government
The Luxembourg government