Hydrogen Academy Nederland (Eindhoven)
Events  -  
27 mei 2024

Hydrogen Academy Nederland (Eindhoven)

Na 4 drukbezochte edities van de Hydrogen Academy in Vlaanderen, organiseert WaterstofNet in het voorjaar van 2024 de ee...
Open Technologie en Innovatiedag
Events  -  
17 mrt. 2024

Open Technologie en Innovatiedag

WaterstofNet neemt deel aan de Open Technologie en Innovatiedag op zondag 17 maart! Vanaf 13u zetten wij, samen met de m...
EUH2Week Side Event: Final conference H2Benelux: creating interconnected ‘hydrogen highways’ in the Benelux by developing 8 hydrogen refuelling stations along the European TEN-T corridors
Events  -  
23 nov. 2023

EUH2Week Side Event: Final conference H2Benelux: creating interconnected ‘hydrogen highways’ in the Benelux by developing 8 hydrogen refuelling stations along the European TEN-T corridors

Do you want to know more about all the details of establishing and operating hydrogen refuelling stations in the Benelux...
EUH2Week Side Event: Exploitation Workshop for the StasHH project: Towards a standardised fuel cell module for heavy duty applications
Events  -  
22 nov. 2023

EUH2Week Side Event: Exploitation Workshop for the StasHH project: Towards a standardised fuel cell module for heavy duty applications

Do you want to know more about the specificities of the standard, and do you want to know who already produced the first...
EUH2Week Side Event: Presentation of the Hydrogen Benelux Study (initiated by the General Secretariat of the Benelux Union): Cross-border hydrogen value chain in the Benelux and its neighbouring regions
Events  -  
22 nov. 2023

EUH2Week Side Event: Presentation of the Hydrogen Benelux Study (initiated by the General Secretariat of the Benelux Union): Cross-border hydrogen value chain in the Benelux and its neighbouring regions

WaterstofNet will present the Benelux study to you at the European Hydrogen Week, so if you are eager to learn more abou...
Roundtable on Hydrogen Technology collaborations between Belgian and South-African companies.
Events  -  
22 nov. 2023

Roundtable on Hydrogen Technology collaborations between Belgian and South-African companies.

This session is organised in collaboration with the South African delegation at the EU H2 Week, in the framework of the ...
Welcome at the booth of the Belgian Hydrogen Council (L40) at the EU H2 Week!
Events  -  
20 nov. 2023

Welcome at the booth of the Belgian Hydrogen Council (L40) at the EU H2 Week!

The Belgian Hydrogen Council will host a booth (L40) at the European Hydrogen Week (organised by Hydrogen Europe), which...
Conference 'Joining forces on hydrogen - Belgium, Benelux and its neighbours', Oct 16th 2023
Events  -  
16 okt. 2023

Conference 'Joining forces on hydrogen - Belgium, Benelux and its neighbours', Oct 16th 2023

Under the umbrella of the Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC), WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed are organising the conference â...
Webinar - Belgium as a hydrogen import hub / Roadmap towards 2030 and beyond
Events  -  
2 okt. 2023

Webinar - Belgium as a hydrogen import hub / Roadmap towards 2030 and beyond

The Hydrogen Import Coalition invites you for a webinar on October 2nd with the presentation of their roadmap on the dev...
Hydrogen Academy 2023: Waterstof van A tot Z!
Events  -  
25 sep. 2023

Hydrogen Academy 2023: Waterstof van A tot Z!

Tijdens zes opleidingsavonden (Maandagen 25 september, 2, 9, 23 oktober en 6, 20 november 2023) vertellen gespecialiseer...
Seminar : Emerging Offshore Technologies: Production of green electrons & molecules at sea
Events  -  
13 sep. 2023

Seminar : Emerging Offshore Technologies: Production of green electrons & molecules at sea

Wind Energy Summit September 2023
Closing Conference EMR H2 Booster Project
Events  -  
23 mei 2023

Closing Conference EMR H2 Booster Project

During the event, the project will explain how it helped SMEs to tackle the energy transition by focusing on hydrogen as...
EMR H2 Booster: 'Hydrogen as an opportunity for SMEs at Neuman & Esser
Events  -  
26 apr. 2023

EMR H2 Booster: 'Hydrogen as an opportunity for SMEs at Neuman & Esser

The German Project partner IHK Aachen (Industrie- und Handelskammer Aachen) and Hydrogen Hub Aachen organise the last of...
The future of the H2 economy and the position of H2 in heavy-duty mobility
Events  -  
18 apr. 2023

The future of the H2 economy and the position of H2 in heavy-duty mobility

Event organised by Cluster Tweed and SPI at the Spa Francorchamps circuit about the future of the H2 economy and H2 in h...
Webinar: EMR H2 Booster study - The current state of the H2 economy
Events  -  
16 mrt. 2023

Webinar: EMR H2 Booster study - The current state of the H2 economy

Webinar organised by Cluster Tweed about the current state of the H2 economy in the framework of the EMR H2 Booster proj...